Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli


My wonderful neighbourhood African haberdashery is obviously preparing itself for the “new normal”
These are the same people who provided me with my Polish Lace and also Veera with her Theresa May necklace.

As usual, I managed to fit in a most exciting day. Cycling home from work yesterday my back tyre felt awfully flat, so I stopped to pump it up but the benefit did not last long and so I popped my head into the cycle shop to ask when they would be able to look at it.
“Bring it in first thing and leave it with us”.
Well first thing it was thundering and lightninging and tipping down. I didn't fancy an hour's walk to work in that so I contacted colleague to see if he fancied either a late start or working from home. He chose the latter.
It had stopped raining by the time the bike shop opened so I walked the bike round and they told me to come and pick it up in a couple of hours. When I returned it transpired that it was rather more serious than I had realised; my brakes had cut through the wheel rim like a tin opener and a new wheel was required. How very lucky we hadn't chosen the late start option then as I was able to put in a very full day's work and still pop in and out of the bike shop as required.

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