106th Corona diary entry / The New Normal

Morning shot

We had lovely clouds in the morning, but sadly they disappeared very soon and the scorching sun came up. Now it's cooler again and quite nice in the shade. Lovely breeze.

So many people have come here. It's amazing how they have suddenly appeared. It's crowded. And noisy. And hot.

I talked to Jen today. Her husband told me how they last night (after midnight) woke up to people having sex noises. As we all sleep with windows open... Not nice to hear. So if you are having sex, please close the windows first.

I'm exhausted. And I'm bit grumpy. Some of the people here are so selfish. It's easy to get help if they will get your money. But when you are trying to terminate your agreements or cancel something and need help with that, not many will help. Tying the loose ends here is a real hard work. REAL HARD.

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