Oxalis Triangularis

If plants could beam with happiness then I think this is exactly what this Oxalis Triangularis is doing as it sits on the window ledge with it’s newest pink flower on display. Such is the minutiae of my life these days during lockdown, that I am talking to my house plants and praising them for good behaviour.

It has been a very windy day with early drizzle and I have thought up all sort of things to avoid going out, but just when I thought I had no alternative but to take some exercise, I was saved by the bell as it were and Daughter#1 appeared at the door.
She was down from lockdown in Cullen for a flying visit to help arrange for the Gallery in Edinburgh she looks after to reopen tomorrow. It is the first time I have seen her since early March and the first hug I’ve had for 3+ months. Yes I know, I know, not recommended but we both needed it for our mental well being - well I did anyway and I put it forward as an acceptable excuse.

Now I’m looking forward to a zoom call with Wildwood and Oilman at 6pm and finding out how things are at the other side of the pond.
The day gets better by the hour.

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