Turning the Heel

I have to admit that as I tentatively put a foot out from under the duvet this morning, I had a momentary feeling of despair at having to fill another day, a Saturday into the bargain, with some sort of intent when nothing is open.
Weekends are always a problem for me for whatever reason. It always seems that everyone else has something organised to do with their partner and I am no longer in that club of coupledom. I know it’s all nonsense but it’s hard to shake off the thought.

However the second foot followed the first to the floor and before I knew it,I was on my way by bike to buy a newspaper and then later with breakfast finished I made my way to my new discovery, Poundland to see what retail therapy could do to bring cheer.

It was a £5 well spent - coffee, porage oats, baking tin liners, another plastic container, and a pack of dish washer sponges. That was all it took to change the mood of the day- I’m not at all high maintenance.

My mood was further enhanced by a phone call from JoppaStrand and general chitchat with the promise of a meet up when the 5 mile travel restriction is lifted.

What of the porage oats you may ask. My flapjacks, made with muscovado sugar and treacle instead of syrup are cooling on the rack as I type.
There have been more phone calls , from my friend in Kelso which had us both laughing uproariously and from daughter#5 in Yorkshire.

Thus is the day slipping comfortably away after all and with the unpredictable rain ever present there will be no outdoor youthful drinking over the railings today. All good and so I can spend the evening without distraction on ‘my sock’, destined eventually for Yorkshire feet.

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