Local Windmill, Hilligersberg, Rotterdam

Had an appointment close to Hilligersberg at 14.00 today -- the first birthday of the daughter of a colleague!  Her birthday was actually in April, but restrictions were tight at the time and I wasn't about to put her at risk, oh no.  Phoned again sometime in May, or was it early June, but then decided to wait till her parents were no longer that busy.  Both mum and dad are teachers and circumstances have forced them to work online and with Zoom.  Work is winding down now and, anyway, Monday is dad's day off.  My gift, which had been ready for more than half a year, finally reached its destination.  Colleague Mattie remarked that I seem to have slowed down considerably, am noticeably less harrassed.  I think I can believe that, although, as you know, I haven't been idle.

Stayed there for about 1.5 hours, then decided to visit a windmill nearby, which I'd last seen in 2015 or thereabouts.  I posted it here at the time, but that's okay.  It was windy and chilly, but doable.  The vanes were secured so were not turning.  Don't know the name of this one but it was built in 1648.  It is situated right on the river Rotte, which, as you might guess, is where Rotterdam got its name.  There is another close by, in the middle of the houses along the river, but it no longer has any vanes.  Returned home, and in the evening we had a downpour.

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