Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Claremont Landscape Garden

Mixed weather again today but at least I did not get wet on my dog walk. Xena is being so good about walking on a lead for the entire walk, she usually loves leaping over the fallen branches in the woods chasing squirrels but until her season is over I need to keep her on the lead in case there are any male dogs around. 

I updated my Photoshop CC package yesterday for the June 2020 adjustments, and it is all quite different with a very different layout so I have been trying to find my way around the software. I always resist change but all the reviews so far have given this update very positive reviews, so best I get on and just learn how to use all the new changes.

Thankfully Gavin found a record of his father’s death certificate which he could send to the authorities in South Africa - so now his mother’s death certificate can be corrected, and she can finally be cremated. It is ridiculous just how incompetent the government departments are there. In the BBC news today there was a report about all the countries having significant increases in Covid cases, and South Africa was mentioned as one of them, yet their Covid deaths seem to stay very low.

After lunch I visited a local National Trust property, Claremont Landscape Gardens. The weather was not the best for such a visit but these things have to get booked in advance now, whereas usually I can just pop in as I feel like it. I managed to largely avoid the rain but as I took this photo it started raining. I liked the steely greys here and thought this would qualify for Wide Wednesday in the 16:9 crop.

Tonight we have our final camera group meeting for the year. It is good that we have been able to continue meeting via Zoom throughout lockdown, and I presume by September when we start up again we will be finally meeting in person. Things seem to be getting back to normal again rather quickly, with deaths currently no higher than they normally are. I just hope when winter comes again we don't see the virus becoming virulent again.

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