Top of the Hill

Just before i get home this is the view that greets me at the top of the hill.
We live just down the end of the road to the right.
Always such a welcome sight.

The view from our deck is to the left over to the mountains not quite as pastoral as this. I remember last summer all that lovely green was dry and crackling...that big field at the bottom left was ablaze ...frightened the life out of us even though it was apparent that it was a controlled burn off.

I spent the day with Ma and Pa doing the little odd jobs. They have one old ipad so I sorted them out with face time. I have been trying to get them to do it all through lockdown but mum was having none of it because of her hearing...and dad is mostly blind so its a bit hard for them.
Anyway they have it now and one they get used to it I might even rue the day I did it....Nah!...not really.

Always a big day visiting the early night I suspect.

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