Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Exiting the Dark Path

Sneaky shot today: I was holding my camera surreptitiously sideways, with my finger on the shutter release, and snapping off the odd shot without looking - making sure to avoid calling attention to myself. I took this as I was exiting Civic Place en route from Katoomba Hospital to the Community Health Centre. I found my eye drawn initially by the arch formed by the trees over the path. Then I noticed this man trudging up towards me. I think this shot with him in it is much better than the one I took afterward, holding the camera properly - and thus straight - but without him in it. I tried it both colour and this black and white; I think this is better than the colour, as the various shades of green just seem somewhat distracting from the light and dark (for instance I didn't notice until I looked at it in B&W, that he has just crossed into the light from the dark arched path).

I do think it rewards a look in large.

Odd wee day at work. Morning meeting at the 'Riff, then back up for patients in the afternoon. The response of one to my enquiry about exercise: "not a sporty person". I tend not to put forth much of myself, so I didn't think until afterward that to add to my encouraging noises and suggestions I could have related my change: inactive, eating badly, at one point 30kg heavier than I am now, and a most confirmedly non-sporty person. I changed that. I determined that things were going to be different. I started running - and (even leaving aside the weight loss and increasing fitness and looking better and so forth) I feel better than I can remember ever feeling in my life. (My legs might protest that statement today, but they can damn-well shut up xP ). What I'm getting at is that one is not necessarily "not a sporty person" and that's that. For good. No change. Any exercise is going to be painfully-suffered rather than enjoyed. No. It doesn't have to be like that. Making a thorough change might feel like letting go of oneself, but it's only a part, and it doesn't have to be a loss: in fact it's so much of a gain.

Blah blah soap box ranty McRanty-pants. xP

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