Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

I ain’t got no body.....

A real last minute blip; most of the day has been spent filling in the solicitor’s questionnaire and trying to locate all the guarantees, certificates etc. that have to go with it.  Having done lots of work on the house over the years there are lots of different certificates and although I thought they were all in the same place, they weren’t.  All this while feeling a bit like sitting in a goldfish bowl; there has been a village ‘treasure hunt’ today and one of the clues was clearly in or on our house!  I suspect it was the date of construction but unusually, it is on a plaque just under the eaves so the treasure hunters would have to look up to see it.

Which is a long way of saying I’ve not had time to look at blip for a couple of days so thanks for all the comments, and apologies for not commenting myself.  I managed a quick shot of this on the wall late afternoon; it looked a bit like a head with legs and no body which reminded me of this.

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