Week 16 - Day 1 mixing business with pleasure

I’ve had a long day at work today - I managed to clear my desk of all my card making bits in time for it to become work again today.

It has just been me at home today. Jon was in Norwich checking trees, Mollie was out with Josh all day and Henry at work. Daniel has booked a few days leave, so got up late, and then went out for the day. So I got lots of work done but also some ‘play’.

Did I tell you about my idea for a pensions virtual orchestra? There are a few of us who have owned up to having a limited musical ability, and with Heather today we have been discussing the next steps. Heather sent me over some simple music and we are going to give it a dry run tomorrow before bringing in the others! So I had a practice on my tenor recorder, and Heather has her flute. I don’t think my flute playing would be very good. We will see!

Have spent all evening trying to sort out insurance for my mini for Saturday and trying to find a reasonable quote for Mollie. Again, as with Henry the quotes are coming out at over £420. I’m going to try and get through on the phone tomorrow.

Now I’m going to knit before bed.

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