Wonderful boys!

That's these 3, who have spent all day laying the new patio. What a fantastic team effort and although the grouting still needs to be done, it is basically finished. Lucky with the weather, it has been possible to get it finished in one day. Another skill my boys have learnt from their multi skilled dad. Aren't we so lucky to have a Jon in our house!? He even announced at the end that he would probably throw away the trousers he was wearing, as the 'projects are now finished'. But I will give him a little break before I ask him to redo the kitchen...

In the meantime, I did 2 loads of washing, some ironing and braided Mollie's hair before sitting down to do some iris folding. Mollie cooked a lasagne for dinner, we ate in the garden, and now all is quiet as they have all disappeared off to their separate rooms. I need to finish my cards and then clear up the mess that is filling my desk before I can start work tomorrow.

Then I am going to water everything in the garden before slumping for an hour in front of the tv before bed.

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