
I had to go to Wetherby first thing to refuel the car - the light came on on the way back from Retford yesterday - and I got told off last time I took it for a service as I had been running it down too low - apparently they recommend leaving at least 20 litres in the tank. Something to do with a pump that uses fuel to cool it - and if you run it past the light then it can overheat. I have no idea where 20 litres in the gauge is!

I went for a little walk (on my own again) and found loads of insects to point the camera at including this hoverfly - looks good large. Hopefully Finlay can do a short walk tomorrow.

A trip to Tadcaster after lunch to collect some gin for Mrs madwill to use with the strawberries food supplies

Made strawberry jam this afternoon - and am now throwing my blip together before making tea…Kung Po chicken with rice and veg.

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