The Wren

By TheWren

Who's been eating my snowdrop?

More snow fell last night which meant having to de-frost and de-snow the car once more as I was up and about fairly early for an appointment. A few phials of blood lighter and I was off to my art class. I hadn't been since before Christmas so I had to concentrate quite hard to get back into the flow. However I did manage to finish a painting from one of my photos taken at Yosemite in October, so it had been worthwhile to get back into the rhythm.

This afternoon the sun was shining on the fresh snow and the hills were looking quite splendid - but guess what? ...I had forgotten to take my camera with me on the walk so you will just have to imagine how beautiful it looked!

Once home I wanted to find a blip as I still haven't got into the mindset that it doesn't matter if I miss a day. I looked at the rockery and to my delight discovered this little clutch of snowdrops, hiding under a heather and contemplating whether or not to open up. While they have been dithering something has been in and eaten into one to reveal its uncurled beauty nestling inside the torn white cover.

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