Quelle belle surprise.

Maureen Hope is alive and well?

Just because I can't get a hair cut - doesn't mean the lawn is bound by the same rules; so I decided to make some Silage.  At least that's how it seemed.  I'm sure I've cut it a time or three since we were locked up, but it didn't seem so - three grass boxes full and bit of a sit twixt rounds; if this keeps up I'll atrophy.
It's a Tropaeolum speciosum. (Some might recognise it as "Flame flower"; possibly prefixed by "Scottish" which it ain't)  We bought it about 18 months "Pre-Alice"; BUT - she never saw it flower.
By that same token - neither did I.  Last year's check couldn't find any sign of it.  This is where maureen Hope comes in.  I'm still living "Maureen Hope" than despair of seeing it flower before, rather than after, I pop me clogs... 

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