
By ayearinthelife

Cut my Hair

Time for a second, self-administered lockdown hair cut today. No choice for the first one as nowhere open, but had to make a decision today - go to the barbers or do it at home again. Having looked at what was happening in the barbers yesterday, I decided it wasn’t worth bothering as they weren’t doing a lot of the things that justify the cost - the burning of the ear hairs and the head massage, to name but two.
Having now established that each cut lasts about two months, I’ll review the situation again in September. Who knows, we might have had another relaxation of the rules by then.
If not - well, one of the few advantages of being old is that as my hairline has receded somewhat, nothing more sophisticated than my beard trimmer is required to achieve the desired effect (though Mrs C did insist on tackling what was sprouting around the ears before she was prepared to let me out of the house!!)

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