True Colours

Having lived with the same colours on the walls for the past fifteen years or so, we figured it was time for a change now we’re having new doors and carpets.
And we’ve narrowed it down to two. The one on the far left and the three upper ones just don’t really go with the carpet or woodwork. But we’re finding it impossible - at the moment - to split the remaining two contenders. Next step is going to be to paint a sample of each in every room to see how they look in different light. And we’re still torn between three different choices of tile for the kitchen, so we really need to get a handle on how the different paint shades look in that room. Choosing the paint might actually help in choosing the tile.
At least the garage is a little clearer now as most of the old wardrobe has been sawn up and transferred to the boot of the car, ready for an early morning trip to the tip tomorrow. Except the doors. They seemed too good to throw away so I removed them carefully and listed them on the local Sell and Seek site. Initially I asked a tenner but, with no takers after a week, I offered them free to anyone who could collect. I would far rather someone could reuse or repurpose them than they go to landfill. But why is it that the people who say they’ll have them now they’re free are the ones who mess you round the most? Someone said they’d have them, then said they only wanted a couple, then stopped answering messages altogether. By lunchtime today I’d had enough. Original person was told she’d missed her chance. Second in line was told they were available and they were round within the hour and took them away. They’re doing up an older house and the doors were just what they wanted. So I’m happy because they’ve gone to be reused. Those people are happy because they’ve got some doors for free. And as for the original enquirer - well, who cares!

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