Female Red Winged Blackbird

This morning was a lovely 77 degrees so I ran over to the park for a blip. I was thinking "flowers", but when I saw her perched in the tree & the light was right, I snapped her a few times. She looks pretty calm here but she was shrieking at me as the male was dive bombing over me, so I didn't want to stay there and upset them. I'm thinking there was a nest with babies nearby although it seems late to have little ones, but what do I know! Either that or they didn't like the color of my shirt! LOL. I came back home and made some over-easy eggs and toast for Tom & I for breakfast, and once fortified with food I headed outside. I'd cut the grass on Friday but never did the trimming as it was too hot! I did all the trimming around the edges, pulled some dandelions from the grass, trimmed the two bushes that go along the back of the porch (they were getting really unruly), picked up all the yard debris, watered the plants & filled the bird feeders. Now I'm too tired to go for a walk, (plus it's much hotter now) but I figure all the yard work should count as exercise, so I'm done for the day. :))

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