Log Freuchie

By Freuchie

Shadows and reflections

What a refreshing change to wake up to sunshine streaming through the curtains! It lifts the spirit no end!

I've done everything on my list of chores today and am now waiting in for a phone-call I expected around lunchtime. It's a bit annoying, as I'd love to be out in the fresh (very fresh!) air.

Instead I have watched a recording of a BBC2 programme in the Natural World series, called "Kangaroo Dundee", which a friend recommended. It was repeated on Sunday, so should be on iPlayer this week if you fancy it. Set in the Outback (obviously, with that title!), it's about an Ozzie who lives a very simple life devoted to rescuing orphaned joeys whose mothers have been killed on the road.

I rather liked these shadows in the kitchen this morning. Go large to see the mouse!

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