Virginia Ctenucha Moth...

...which I had to look up as I didn't have a clue. (no surprise there) It says: "The largest & most broad-winged of wasp moths in North America. It's body is metallic blue, & it's head and sides of the collar are orange. It's flight time is May through July". It's a first for me, and I almost missed it. I was on the last bit of path before leaving "my spot" at the park and I happened to look down and saw it perched on the yarrow. After I got home, seeing as the temperature was only 75 but on it's way up, I went for a walk before it got too hot and humid. Did a load of wash, made a couple of appointments and I've got a rhubarb cake in the oven. I'm feeling very accomplished today, and it's not even noon. LOL. Thanks to Debbi for hosting TinyTuesdays this month. 

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