
This morning I was so excited to run into Goose Wilder, coach of Wisconsin's own "Lake Ganders", our swim team & entry into the upcoming AOG's. (Alternative Olympic Games) He was a little reluctant to answer questions at first, or to have me take any photos, as he didn't want to give away too many of his training secrets "this early in the season", but he finally agreed to my taking "just a few". In the top photo he's working with one of his swimmers on breath control which he says is imperative when swimming laps & can make the difference between winning and losing. He has a very relaxed training camp on the beach, as seen in the bottom left picture. When he's working with the team members one at a time (bottom rt.), the remainder of the team are expected to practice their balance and flexibility on the sand, and those that have already worked out for the morning are relaxing and regaining their strength. It's an approach that's worked well for him in the past, and he's hoping it'll work as well at the AOG's. An interesting and informative morning; we're all wishing them well! :))  
(In case any of you are interested in joining in, here's the info.)
Debbi (dbifulco) is organizing the AOG again this year.  Here is what she says about it: 

"Yes, folks, we are ON for the 2020 AOG (Alternative Olympic Games).  I will post tagging instructions about a week before the start of the Games.  And between now and then I will interview some of the competitors and perhaps even share some top-secret training tips.  Feel free to do the same in your own AOG Arenas.  Also, I am seeking volunteer judges - those willing to take a few minutes to review the daily AOG posts and award a heart or two to their favorites.  If you haven't participated in the past, this is really all just about having some silly fun, being imaginative, and having some laughs.  It will admittedly be somewhat easier for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere to locate "athletes" but I challenge my friends on the other side of the world to think outside the box.  I've hosted a couple of AOGs in the winter and while there are less athletes, there are still plenty of opportunities.  Hope you'll all join in."

So, if you notice any of your teams practicing before the games, try to get an interview.  Use your imagination, anything goes!  You can use the tag AOG2020 for now.  There will be daily tags during the competition. Spread the word! :-))

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