The finished article

A surprisingly good sleep had me bouncing out of bed at 8.30. Dishwasher emptied and breakfast eaten I pottered around secure in the knowledge that I had loads of time to get organised to meet my friend for a walk at 11.30. That is until I realised we were meeting at 11.
Quick shower and shoved a few things in my little daysack and I was off - arrived a few minutes late but she had only just arrived too so all good.

A lovely 5 mile walk around the local country park and home in time for lunch. It was so lovely to see her in person as soon calls are all very well but nothing beats face to face. Just odd not to hug at the end. Lovely lush greenery and I forgot to blip anything.

Took the last few things out if Miss PHLs room before she and her dad went to B&Q to pick up the paint supplies. Funny how we need new rollers every time! I stayed home and got a washing done before trying again with one if the final pieces for my blanket. Think I’m finally getting there but still ripped it out a few times.

Quick dinner of spaghetti bolognese before chatting to young Mr PHL and his girlfriend and a quick dash to the garden to blip the greenhouse - just the guttering to attach to rainwater collection butt and it’s done.

Very sleepy tonight so heading for my bed and an early night.

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