Cherry hand

There's a tree down our drive with the most wonderful, succulent cherries and I just had to stop and pick some as I drove past. They only 'bag' available was this glove from a garage that's been in the car for a good 3 months now. I thought it made an interesting image!!

The viewing this morning went well; a man looking on behalf of a friend who hasn't yet got her house on the market. He was very complimentary, although I really think he didn't notice the squeaky cleanliness!! We'll see.

LH and I have both managed appointments with a massage therapist. We've missed her magic hands and were so pleased to be able to receive her unknottings and easing. It was a bit odd as we were all so thoroughly masked up and sanitised but thank goodness that she's back in business, albeit seeing only half her usual numbers as she needs to disinfect and air her room between clients.

Grateful today for her ministrations and the positive acknowledgement that our place is lovely and we're not deluded!

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