Pippa sit

Sit, Pippa. Sit.....sit.....sit......SIT! Pippa, sit will you.......OK, lie down....down.....down....pleeeeeease! It has to be a quick blip, no time for messing about, really.

And quick it must be. Apologies for finding little time to comment these past few days. It's been a bit hectic around here. We're changing cars, just now. I hate changing cars, just can't get excited about a new one. Cars used to be simple. Now there are so many bloody options you don't know where you are.

Everything is electric. I never had much trouble winding windows up and down or adjusting a wing mirror and certainly not lifting and lowering a boot lid. Seat adjustments were easy without pushing buttons to slide in to position. Climate control was a matter of winding your window up or down a bit. If you wanted the car to go faster you stuck a white plastic stripe down the side.

Henry Ford had it right with his Model T - any colour you like, so long as it's black.

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