Wild carrot

Today I must have spent four hours repackaging a single parcel in to 28 individual parcels, ready for posting.  Because I'd had a trial run with Rekha in the post office, I knew my parcels needed making smaller to avoid being silly expensive, so Tony and I worked together to squash out as much air as possible and then taped the excess bags, success!

'28 parcels?  What on earth?'  Next week we would normally be on tour with the country's best fourteen year old orienteers at Lagganlia  in Scotland, but Covid put paid to that.  This year's selected youngsters will be having a brilliant virtual tour instead.  One of my jobs is to organise the tour top and those are what arrived today.  Ordinarily, we would take them with us to give out on the first evening of tour but this year they had to be posted.

I took a turn around the mini meadow this evening.  I do like these wild carrot heads before the flowers open, they are very sculptural.

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