Lovely border

I love how my borders are filling will lots of foliage; leaves of all shapes, and now the flowers are beginning to open. My first dahlia opened and it is beautiful. The petals are like yellow pallets diluted, fading to white. I'm excited to see the first of the other dahlia I planted this year, which should be a purply colour. The sunflowers are also opening. The dwarf mixed of which I now have two blooms. A bronze one and a vivid yellow. The taller ones are all self seeded,so it will be interesting to see them open, and I am going to buy more stakes tomorrow. It has been a warm day, so I've been trying to water the most wilted tonight, and will do more early tomorrow. I also tied up my geum and potentilla which have both finished flowering but have pretty seed heads. They just needed to be tidied up.

Jon and I have both had the day off today. I got up to make the tea, but not early, then we got up at 8.30 and after breakfast went to Lidl together. Jon is so much better at shopping than me. We bought a few food bits for the caravan ready to take away next week. Then after unpacking, we went to Sheringham for coffee. Only a few weeks ago it felt like we would never go out for coffee again. Everywhere is very conscious about the rules, and I wore my mask the whole time I was out (apart from when drinking my coffee) Jon is reluctant to wear a mask, but today I finished making masks for me and Mollie. They were a bit small for him, so I made a new pattern and bigger ones. He actually does look like hannibal lecter wearing his. I think it is the shape and colour. So that was most of the afternoon, and then we got a Chinese takeaway which seems to have become a payday treat through lockdown.

An evening of deadheading my pink 'nana flowers'(I don't know their proper name, just that Jon's mum used to grow them, collect the seeds and make lots more baby plants, of which we have several. They have soft pale leaves like rabbits ears. They flower for ages and I love them.

I think 2020 so far has been devastating and a massive shock to our systems. But it has had so many positives too, and I feel like it has made me appreciate my lovely home, my lovely garden and my friends and family so much more. And now it seems as if I am going to be working from home more perhaps forever in the future, than I will be working from an office base, I am starting to like the idea. More time for the things I enjoy. Win win.

And I do love these 4 day weekends....

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