Red Legged Partridge

We often see Pheasants in the field at the end of our garden but occasionally we may see a Partridge.  This morning two Red Legged Partridges wandered around the field, the male Pheasant ignored them walking past them slowly and a few minutes later a female Pheasant rushed very quickly past them to join the male.

I then spent several hours on the allotment.  Not that much to show for it as I was unravelling netting that should have been released earlier on the mange tout as they were now all twisted together.  After a little more weeding I got distracted by the bindweed that is now climbing up and along several autumn raspberry canes.  

As its been fairly sunny we all headed down to the beach thinking we may have a quick swim but the wind was coming from the south west and the sea was too choppy for our liking.  We had a nice walk though. Oh and my husband had his hair cut and is looking very smart now.

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