Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

... All aflutter

I'm all aflutter waiting for my doctor to call with the results from this morning's MRI. I feel a bit like this titmouse, actually. If I had feathers, they'd be all crazy.

The MRI was bearable - after 10 mg of valium. Hubs stays in the room with me and keeps hold of my ankle or foot through the entire thing, which helps me keep calm. My great fear of small spaces is of not being able to escape. Tunnels are my greatest fear, so much so that I can't watch anything on the telly that involves people climbing through small tunnels or spaces. So having Hubs there holding onto me gives me the feeling that if something happened, he could yank me out. I realize that this is a totally illogical, irrational fear, but it's very real for me. And, the drugs also really help.

Came home and slept for 4 hours (the downside of the drugs) then pottered around the office for a bit. Took a few pics through the office window, this being one.

I'd hoped to have the results by now, but if I get them later, I'll come back and post an addendum here. In the meantime, Happy HumpDay, blippers. And thank you so very much for all your support!


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