Happy Family

I took the girls to Drusillas today, as I had a free family pass courtesy of Laure, the French girl who runs the Normandy/Sussex group I'm part of, so it made it a particularly good day as it would have cost us £80 for the four of us to go.

It's a great place as there's the zoo as well as a children's theme park, and we arrived just after the park had opened and gave the girls the choice of the rides or the zoo first - they chose the rides.  It turned out to be the best way round to do it as the rides had only just opened, so there were no queues and of course not many people had been on them, so from a Covid point of view, there was less risk.  It was very well organised, with hand sanitisers at the entrance to the rides, all staff were wearing masks, and you have to pre-book your entrance tickets to the park as they're limiting numbers.

Once the girls had been on all the rides, I went back to the car to get our picnic which we ate before heading into the zoo.  Again, it proved to be a good way to do it as most people seem to do the zoo first with the rides after, so the zoo was relatively quiet and when we came out, the rides were very busy.  There were so many babies that had recently been born including baby meerkats, monkeys and even a baby sloth.  We saw the sloths, but unfortunately didn't get to see their baby.   I found it difficult to choose a blip today, but love the way this little meerkat family are huddled together.

On the way home we stopped at the MacDonald's drive through to pick up a Happy Meal for the girls, and Rachel made a three been chilli for our dinner.  It was nice, but it was missing the meat for me.

The girls had been asking to see Luca, and Elif said we could pop round when she got home from the shop, so we spent an hour with them playing in the garden.  Luca and Violet were so cute together, he kept holding her hand and taking her to show her things.

In other news, I'm very worried about my mum.  You may remember back in May she had a problem with her ankle, well it's still ongoing and she's in a lot of pain and having to use a stick to walk.  I'm not very impressed with the care she's been receiving and it's gone from 'being nothing, to possibly a blood clot, to fluid, to a sprained ankle', then last week they said it's cellulitis and have put her on antibiotics for two weeks. A couple of nights ago she fell out of bed because she went dizzy and when I spoke to her tonight and asked how she was, she said that she's still in a lot of pain and her leg is very warm.  I told Rachel and she said that  it could be a sign of infection and the worry is of it becoming Sepsis.  I phoned mum back and asked her permission to call 111 and told her of our worry, she agreed I could, but unfortunately 111 wouldn't speak to me because I wasn't with her.  So I asked mum to call them herself which she did and they told her they would get a doctor to call her within the next 24 hours.  So we'll have to wait to see what they say.

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