An anniversary

I have a hard time keeping track of dates in this endless wasteland that is the pandemic, but I realized this morning that today is my father's birthday.  Had he lived, he would be turning 106 today.  Looking for a photograph I might use for a blip, I came across this reminder of a lovely family day we had in 2001, celebrating my parents' 60th wedding anniversary.  There were visitors from far away - Sashie front left, Sharon in the center behind Lex, her husband Rob in the left back row, and her daughter Alison and son-in-law Chris next to her.  All the immediate family are there too, just very much younger - Lex in the center with her very short hair, Manda and Sarah as teenagers, and May on the far left.  I am wearing the same V-neck red shirt you see me wearing in the photos of my first visit with the twins.  I told you I kept my clothes a long time.  I think the photographer must have been our friend Bruce, as the one non-family member there that day.

I like this photo because everyone is happy, not our usual state as a family.  Dad was in the beginning of a downward spiral into severe dementia and Mom was struggling desperately to manage his increasingly erratic behavior.  But having a big loving extended family there put us all into good spirits.  It was a good day.

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