Day 129  of  my lockdown - Day 38 of slight ease

(well OK Lacy Hydrangea but there isn't a song title called that!!!??)

Great Adapted Tai Chi session this morning with C, Gladders and Gus.  Last one for a couple of weeks - boy am I going to miss it, but a break is needed.  

Hubby went down to Kents Bank station and did a bit of tidying up down there..  G is continuing to do his daily rounds of cleaning door handles etc.

I'm continuing with sorting out the spare room (well OK I'll get back to it soon) and sorting out photo files.  I'm managed to get them grouped in a better way and saving loads of space so that is really good.

Not sure how long lockdown is going to continue.  Still too nervous to put G on a train back to Edinburgh or drive him all that way myself (as that would mean stopping, filling up and facilities use) so we're still all locked down.  I don't think I will feel comfortable enough to go out to public places properly until  the winter has truly begun and we can see how/if the second spike happens.  So we are having an extended temporary lockdown and slight ease.

Other than that life goes on much as before.

Take care all, stay safe and see you all tomorrow.

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