Day 130 of my lockdown  -  Day 39 of slight ease

The sun was shining today, my car needed filling up and a stretch of its legs tyres, so I decided to go out with camera all on my own, just for a drive round.

I filled up on the A590 and, once again, I was the only person wearing a mask and was looked at as if I had two heads!!!! I also were disposable gloves, after all you don't know who has been using the pump before you.  I think this could be the new normal for me for some time to come.

Anyway there was quite a bit of traffic around so I thought I'd head to Sedbergh and The Dales.  

I joined the M6 for one junction from Junction 37, past The Howgills and through Sedbergh.  It was fairly busy but not overly so, however I didn't stop, I just drove up the A683, past Cautley Spout, where I took a couple of photos, and then past Ingleborough in the distance and this delightful little lake.  It doesn't have a name.

I stopped off at various lay-bys for photos and got some ideas for future walks/stops. Roads were quiet, some laybys were full but others OK.  The photo I took of Cautley Spout when I got home and zoomed in on it I discovered there were quite a lot of walkers going past it, no chance of social distancing up there as the path is too narrow, but they were all heading upwards so that should make social distancing easier.

I then just joined the A684 and drove through delightful countryside to join the M6 at Junction 38 and back home.

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