Mono Monday - Relaxation

I am, it is true, far more relaxed now. Janet is home and hopefully for now life will return to its unusual normality. We managed a light shuffle around the local park, but it's going to take a few weeks to regain the core strength that dwindled away while in hospital.

There was a time I used my bass guitars to while away the hours, but without any pretence to learning to play. In fact I did that for about twenty years. In the end it was no longer relaxing because I realised I was wasting time. Now, I am learning bass properly and enjoying it hugely.

Being busy all day waiting for the call and then taxiiing Janet home and sorting her out, I haven't actually taken a photo. This then is a fartnarkled mono from a video of me playing a piece earlier today for upload to YouTube. It's useful to share the videos to get feedback, and also for me to see progress.

Might go comet hunting later... I won't after all be able to see the Moon, fifty years after we first landed on her. But if the clouds shift I may see Neowise...

I was sad to note the passing of another long-time Blipper today. Sweet journey into mystery, Rob. /|\

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