
By Cumbrialass


A quick blip. 
Nothing very exciting.. just a cushion for the garden seat. I have a longer one but one of Ms bonsai seems to be in permanent residence. I used one of the many memory foam pillows we seem to have accumulated and the Japanese " wrapping paper" from one of my birthday present from my sis in law.
It fits the space exactly.

She decided she would not use paper this year but copy the Japanese method.  The cloth  is  wrapped around the present almost origami style.
They looked so pretty and of course the cloth is recyclable.  We got 4 parcels wrapped this way and my plan is to reuse them for her birthday.  But I didnt think she' mind my recycling one for my cushion.
See extra showing 3 .
The black one with cherry blossom is about bandana size, so it will be used as a face covering. 

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