
By Livingandloving

I'm lichen this!

Okay...okay....I'm a bit silly tonight, but I can't help it. I'm in such a good mood. Feeling better each day, and happy to be well. The Hubby is happily away for the next 10 days or so on a fun hunting trip, and us girls are excited to be home together doing our thing.

Work was work....and school was school. Then we dropped by the fabric store to pick up some odds and ends to finish up the flower girl dress I'm making. I'm still not sure how it is all going to turn out, so cross your fingers for me. I also had to pick up some yarn to finish up another project I'm working on, then run home to our Ivy dog. She's not used to being home alone all day, so it was a long day for her. Lucky for her....she is going to a friend's house tomorrow for some doggy sitting.

I took my camera along with me to feed the rabbits when I got home this evening. I don't know about you, but I really love to look at moss and lichen up close. It is so intricate, and amazing. I grabbed a few shots and found this one to be my favorite. I love the bright red tipped lichen.

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