Aros am yr haul

Aros am yr haul ~ Waiting for the sun

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Yn ein bywyd ni nawr mae'r 'wythnos' yn tri diwrnod - a pham lai. Ar y diwrnod cyntaf rydyn ni'n cael enciliad myfyrdod.  Ar y diwrnodau eraill rydyn ni'n gweithio neu ymlacio.  Fel arfer rydw i'n rhedeg ar yr ail ddiwrnod, felly rydw i'n cael dau ddiwrnod ar gyfer adfer a gorffwys. Weithiau mae'r patrwm yn newid ond nid aml iawn. Rydyn ni'n ffeindio ein bod ni'n  treulio'r rhan fwyaf o'n hamser adre.  Does dim angen arnon i i fynd allan ac eithrio ymweld â theulu neu fynd i siopa o dro i dro. Rydw i'n tynnu ffotograffau bob dydd wrth gwrs, a byddan nhw fel arfer rhywle, o gwmpas yr ardd, fel y dahlia hon ar ôl y glaw ac yn aros am yr haul.

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In our lives at the moment the 'week' is three days - and why not. On the first day we have a meditation retreat. On the other days we work or relax. I usually run on the second day, so I get two days for recovery and rest. Sometimes the pattern changes but not very often. We find that we spend most of our time at home. We don't need to go out except visiting family or going shopping from time to time. Of course, I take photographs every day, and they'll usually be somewhere around the garden, like this Dahlia after the rain and waiting for the sun.

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