Just another bee shot...

There are all sorts of bees in the garden right now; bumble bees of various hues - red bottoms, beige bottoms, all black...?, as well as solitaries, miners and honeybees. It's been a good day in good weather, but I think I'm a bit knackered. Spent the afternoon cleaning the bike and checking her over... she's due an oil and filter change I think... to book her in or do her myself?

Fitted Morrigan with a Beeline... In truth I passed on the Kickstarter when this was in development as it didn't seem very useful. Later I realised, as someone with no sense of direction and an aversion to Siri yelling in my ear while I'm riding, it might be a huge benefit. Time will tell. Or you might find it on eBay in a few weeks, like so many other toys I've not played well with.

On a similar subject I have a conference call in with RealRider tomorrow to begin beta testing the new version of the app. This one is perhaps useful in that if you have a motorcycle accident it automatically calls the emergency services with your GPS location. Happily, I've not ever tested that for real, but you may recall the daily maps on our previous Scotland trips. Ah... Scotland...

Those times will come again.

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