A Day In The Life

By Irish59


Thankfully my phone was in my shorts pocket when I was outside this morning. When an eastern bumble bee burrowed deep inside one of the Golden Tiara Hosta flowers, I couldn’t resist! You can just barely see his back legs • It was warm but overcast today, perfect for gardening. I fertilized a few plants, then watered, while Mrs. P worked on compost. We planted the world’s smallest broccoli seedlings (too bad I missed Tiny Tuesday) with high hopes for a second harvest in the fall. Next, we added a couple more flats of marigolds to the small bed around our mailbox to spruce it up a bit. It was looking awfully dull and drab • Except for the Wallenda Brothers, it’s been a pretty quiet day • Tonight’s menu will include the three zucchinis and a hot banana pepper we picked. A baked squash casserole, I think, as I also have yellow squash in the refrigerator • Hope y’all have had a happy and healthy Wednesday :)

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