I SEE A FISHY ---- or something

Just pottered around this morning and took in a few parcels containing online purchases.  Mostly plants and stuff for the garden including a lovely wind spinner.  Got a call from the Pension Visitor from the company I used to work for - hes been checking in with me regularly since lockdown began.

I was expecting a call from the police at 2pm but it never came.  I waited till around 3pm before heading off to the village for shopping.  The weather had been rainy all morning but slowly it began to brighten up in the afternoon. By  the time I went out it was warm with bright sunshine.  The shops were quiet so I had a nice leisurely shop. 

After tea I was just watching TV when phone rang at 8pm.  It was the police - a lady from my local police station.  She was quite concerned about the incident on Wednesday evening and asked lots of questions. She said they would keep an extra watch on the area.  Nice to know that my incident report was taken seriously. 

The Abstract Thursday theme today is " patterns ".  I had an idea to make patterns using water, oil and food colouring.  Followed the instructions I had found online and ended up with a murky glass of water.  So on to Plan B.  Just oil and food colouring - swirled around with a fork..  The end result was photographed and processed ( a lot ) using Picasa.  I was surprised to see what looks like a little fish or tadpole  with his mouth open down at the bottom of the image.  Not what I had intended but its colourful and abstract.  Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting.

Musical link OIL ON WATER - by Bastille

Steps today - 7,895 ( 3.08 miles )

CORONA CLASSIC - Arthur Bliss: A Colour Symphony

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