
I thought I would spare you some rubbish pictures of bugs on flowers the breeze (verging on wind) was making it damned near impossible to get any kind of shot ..... other than unsharp.

So instead you get another troublesome subject.
This was the third attempt at getting a stem to stay attached. 
The first one snapped half way down, the second one gave up at the joint and this one took two attempt to glue it (I am not sure if it was the wood or the acrylic that objected to the type of glue.
The spinning point wasn't much better and kept chipping (it is also acrylic).
But it is done and spins quite well.

SWMBO received a consignment of chocolates today - and they are all mine .......... they are either coffee based or really dark chocolate - the first she doesn't like and the second doesn't like her.
Ahh well - such is life.

We got to see the monsters again today - in the back of the car when they were heading home from a "Horrible" trip to the shops. They had to pick up certificates of excellence from their French teacher (SWMBO pays for their lessons so correspondence comes here) who is looking for a picture of the monsters with the certificates for some class thing she is putting together on Monday.
No rush then.

The heavy, sticky weather has forced SWMBO to bed this afternoon with a migraine - so that gives me a good reason to get stuck into the chocolates in order to remove temptation.

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