
First, thank you for the birthday blip congratulations . 
When I did yesterdays bIip I hadnt realised it was the 1 year anniversary.
Thanks to my lovely friend Flavia13 who told me about blipping a year ago.  And thank you to the Blip friends I've made over the year. Part of the fun of blipping is sharing . It really feels like a caring community and I'm glad to be a part of it.

A fairly quiet day. Grey weather so a local walk with Fletch . 

My friend from Teesside phoned for a nice catch up chat and I'd another 3 way messenger chat with 2 other friends who live at the bottom end of the country.
Another friend texted to say he will be up in Cumbria in August and wants to meet for lunch. My first thought was it will be nice for us to meet up, my second thought was I'm not sure about going out to a pub or restaurant. I'm still unsure how good people will be on safety precautions especially after seeing the lax attitude in Bowness 
We decide there could only be one place.. Abbey House.  It only seemed fair to give them the custom seeing as we have wandered round their grounds so many times over the last 4 months ( and been welcomed to do it) I know from chatting to their chef they are being very careful about social distancing etc so we will probably  go there.

I took Fletch by the dock at 5pm and saw that after 8 months of neglect they are starting to erect the fence around the old mills site. Last Autumn they spent weeks clearing the grounds of all plants and chopped down trees ( !!!) But over the last 5 months nature has been reclaiming the land. It's been nice to see the plants sprouting up and covering the bare earth , I hope it's not all bulldozed away again.

Thank you all for the lovely comments and stars and hearts yesterday.  It means lot.
Have a good week everyone.

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