... with one eye open.

By Chamaeleo

Garden: Flügel Floats

More buoyant in large.
Other portraits:
Bright Ida
Kappa shaking
Koi flapping

Did lots of mooching with the ducks... A rather drizzly day, but they don't mind. They're very calm, but won't (yet?) come within touching distance. We let them out of their run (chaperoned) into a slightly larger penned off area with their large swimming trough; they didn't quite understand, but Mum put Flügel and Ida in, and while Flügel bobbed about for a bit, Ida hopped straight back out again... I think they're a bit confused, but they'll get their bearings soon enough.
I've now worked out what they're all called, so there's Flügel the apricot drake, and the ducks are Kappa (mallard/silver markings), Koi (blue fawn), and Ida (white).

Today's rather sleepy shots are here (or right from Flügel in pool)

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