
By AndrewFH


Pottering in the garden this afternoon and I suddenly spotted this young hedgehog that seemed to appear from nowhere. It moved very slowly and does not seem very healthy but it has taken a long drink of water I have put down for it and seems to have revived a little. We are now feeling guilty about the essence of peppermint put down in the area to scare off the ants, as it seemed quite keen to snack on those remaining.
We went this morning to a local garden centre to buy plants to put in the cracks in the stones around the saddle stone. Arrived minutes after it opened to find the car park already crowded with people streaming in. Fortunately few were going to look at the plants but we found only a few that fitted what we are looking for. 
After that we dropped into see Adrian and Kristen, neighbours in our old house. It is three years almost since we moved but seems longer. It was great to see them and to catch (despite the drill in the road outside) for our first garden meet up with friends.

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