
We've lived in this area for nearly 50 years, this Mausoleum is only 15 miles from us, we have pasted it literally thousands of times, yet today was the first time I've walked up the hill to see it at close quarters.

While Ali was at the Vet specialist for her X-ray I had some time to kill. After a browse in John Lewis's I headed off to this. It really is quite intriguing, it's part of the Dashwood family estate and has has been since 1698. It seems like the Dashwoods have had a colourful past. I believe the urns (see extras) contain the ashes of past Dashwoods. 

Of course I'd just climbed to the top of the hill when I got the call from the Vets to say Ali was ready to go home, so I just took a couple of quick pictures. I must go back  some time.

The Vets were impressed with how well Ali looked  'externally' when I dropped her off, and it turns out she looked just as well 'internally' with the bone healing well. Phew! Now onto the next phase of her recovery.

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