Hair cut!

I let Barry cut my hair! I went to the same hairdresser for many years in Weymouth and since I've moved here, a year ago last weekend, I have only been once! It's difficult to replace someone who knows your hair and you and what you like! I've met too many hairdressers who want to tell you what you want, and you know that's not what you want! Barry only had to cut the bottoms 3 inches off, I didn't let him near my fringe. He did it in less than 5 minutes, with me holding my breath! In the circumstances I'm pleased with the result. Sometime in the future I'll be on the quest to find a new hairdresser "who does as they are asked!"
I drove into town to pick up my prescription, wore my mask for the first time, not as bad as I thought but I still hate not being able to see people's faces properly. On the way home I called in for a cuppa to see my friend Margaret and Henry the dog; gorgeous boy see extra. They live by themselves down a horrid track which I hate driving along and usually park at the top. Unfortunately the farmer had a huge fire going at the top of the track and I didn't want to leave my car there unattended as there was no person to be seen!
Margaret has taken on 2 kittens of a feral cat. They are beautiful and I wish I'd blipped them, a black and white and a tabby, so pretty and Henry adores them.
The afternoon was rather wasted just pottering and making dinner but I have now sorted out my music in the kitchen!

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