Capital adventures

By marchmont

Alnwick Rose

A birthday present from E, just flowering, and very fitting for a garden day.
And after a couple of College meetings that's where I spent most of the day, in the 28 degree heat.  Finished my book, did some sewing.  the latest cross stitch (a gift or a long ago purchase?0 is not Aida but weave fabric and that is much more challenging to count, especially with my, now older, eyes.

The silence in the garden (I didn't even have R4 on) was interrupted in the middle of the afternoon by many police sirens (later read there had been a disturbance at Portobello beach.  Was that where they were going?) and later a couple of Ryanair and easyJet flights coming in from Europe.

Just before 5 the threatening cloud finally came over which was ok as I was heading inside for Wine O'Clock.  Once again i did not win the quiz, once again I found myself being really irritated by C.  I am beginning to wonder if she has undiagnosed ADHD.  She definitely has to be the centre of attention. But it is better than sitting on my own with no external contact. 

More healthy salad for dinner (inc my homegrown cucumber) and more unhealthy Cotes de Gascogne.  I slumped in front of another episode of  'Les dames' (Dead Beautiful). It's interesting (well to me) that Thierry Godard must have been making this at the same tme as he was making 'Les Engrenages', similar plots, similar character. Is that typecasting?
The Festival and Tattoo should have been starting today - ah well!

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