Silene schafta 'Shell Pink'

.... appropriately named, growing in a garden close to the seashore.   Another plant I raised from seed and brought with me from Norfolk.  The species is an easy alpine / rock garden plant, notable for producing it's generous display of pink flowers well after midsummer.   The more common form is a stronger pink colour.

A gentle day at home for me before another busy one at work tomorrow.  I did install the new runner for the bathroom door.  It's much smoother running than the ancient one I removed.  Jamie's been busy with Tim, fitting the new floor in the back lobby, making it possible for Jamie to easily get to the back door for letting Meg out into the garden.   It's looking great and we will add some vinyl, left over from the new floor elsewhere, to finish it off.   

A good and productive day ....... and I picked the first sweet peas which are scenting the room as I type :-)

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