
By dunkyc

common heap

“If all our misfortunes were laid in one common heap whence everyone must take an equal portion, most people would be content to take their own and depart.” – Socrates

When trying to bring myself (and indeed others) out of a self-imposed funk, I’ve trotted this one out a few times lately. It’s so important for anxiety sufferers in particular to remember this, particularly when you find yourself in that familiar spiral.

That’s not to denigrate or diminish the thing that is playing on your mind, because it is clearly important to YOU, but the “common heap” philosophy does allow you to give your issue(s) some context and perspective.

This was on my mind this morning, when I read this blog by frugal chef; Jack Monroe, which quite frankly made me feel ashamed of ever having felt sorry for myself for anything ever. I realised that whilst I may have been through the emotional wringer over the past eighteen months, I have NEVER endured anything approaching the true hardship that she and hundreds of thousands of others have lived/are living through. In 2020. With a pandemic going on.

A simple tick box exercise of the obvious (own house, steady job/great colleagues, three children who I can feed and treat who love me/who I love unconditionally and warm, supportive family and friends) leads me back once more to the same ol’ question: what the flip (sorry for the language) do I have to worry about or fret over?!! Argh!

Exasperated with myself and with added guilt over yesterday’s accidental over-ordering of food, I set up a direct debit to donate to the Trussell Trust*.

Now, if you’ll just pass my misfortune back to me, I shall cheerfully be on my way! 

*The fact that this organisation is even in existence in this day and age is absolutely shameful, but happy to make a contribution to the great work they do.

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