A Day In The Life

By Irish59

We’re All Abuzz

The cat-1 hurricane came ashore in NC and is now roaring north over land as a tropical storm. As much as we need rain here in Maine, it appears we will get very little as we are east of the storm. Unfortunately we’re expected to get the associated wind and possible (weak) tornadoes after dark. Although overcast and humid, it’s eerily quiet outside, as if we’re all waiting for it to happen • While adding supports to the milkweed, I saw this insect hanging out. I believe it’s a Cicada, a summer bug that comes out late July and August. They are known for their buzzing sounds, made during the heat of the day. The females can hear these mating calls up to a mile away • I’ll be relieved to have this storm behind us • Lots of thanks to osuzanna for hosting Tiny Tuesday!

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