Mr Steel Man

A bit of heavy metal for today. He sat on my work desk until the end of June, since when he has retired (like me) and sits at my home desk.

The last week has seen me, my brother and my sister sorting out lots of things for Mum and Dad. We all live a long way away, and this last week they each have visited. Not at all sure when I will be able to do that.

Today I have needed to commence a major paperwork exercise as I need to fill in detailed forms required by Mum and Dad’s social care authority. All a bit mind boggling.

So here I am with My Steel Man at my desk. Appropriately the photo behind on the computer screen is a pic of Mum which my sister sent me and my brother last month, pointing out the likeness of her eldest to Mum. Mum left Huddersfield to join the Women’s Land Army In 1940/41, and found herself working on farms near St Ives. The start of her life in the south of England. Although in her head, part of her has always remained in Yorkshire.

She loved being outdoors and working on the farms after unhappy times closeted away in the textile mills of the North. It shows here.

Thanks to RockArea for hosting.

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