Hummingbird on Pokeweed

There are still at least three hummingbirds in our backyard, and they are so fun to watch. I was relaxing in a chair with my camera when this one sat on a large pokeweed plant in Gremlin's Meadow.

I got a couple of shots, and this one was my favorite because it ended up a bit more saturated than the others, totally by accident. The light was coming and going, and a moment of darkness gave me this little gift.

The berries are green, still, but eventually they will turn purple, and I can tell you from my experience in childhood: those berries make an awesome purple dye. All parts of the plant are poisonous to humans, dogs, and livestock (but not birds), according to what I've read. But people still try to eat it.

And so my soundtrack song is about that: here is Tony Joe White, with Polk Salad Annie.

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